What a lovely surprise I received today! Ms. Yingling of the fabulous Ms. Yingling Reads blog gave me a Liebster blog award. What's a Liebster blog award?
The Criteria: The Liebster Blog Award is meant to showcase bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers. This is all done in the spirit of pay-it-forward.
The Rules: You must mention and link to the person who awarded you the Liebster, and mention 5 other blogs with fewer than 200 followers you think worthy of the Liebster. You have to leave a comment in their blogs telling them about the award.
Awww, thank you, Ms. Yingling!
OK...here are my picks:
Mr. H Reads: Mr. H is a 5th grade teacher in Iowa. Engaging, opinionated, and a frequent participant over at the Heavy Medal blog.
The Miss Rumphius Effect: Miss Rumphius and I served on a Cybils committee back in the day. Not only that--she also lives and works in our great state (at the University of Richmond). Strong on poetry and nonfiction reviews.
The Brown Bookshelf: A terrific resource for multicultural literature. Creators of the 28 Days Later campaign, held every February in honor of African-American authors and illustrators.
Age 30+....A Lifetime of Books: Heather J. began her blog in order to keep track of one year's reading. She enjoyed the experience so much that she's continued her blog to this day. Heather blogs about her personal reading (and listening) choices, which includes adult fiction/nonfiction and children's books that she reads with her young son. Heather lives in Maryland and has done a great job of connecting MD/DC/VA bloggers.
The Goddess of YA Literature: The Goddess of YA Literature (or, Professor Nana) teaches children's/YA literature at Sam Houston State University. Her blog is packed with fantastic reviews of YA literature. Always fun to read.
Spreading the blog love around the kidlitosphere! Thanks again, Ms. Yingling.
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