Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Staff Favorite Picture Books, Round III

A Baby Sister for Frances

The Rainbow Fish

Oh, oh, oh. The Rainbow Fish. One of the major polarizing books among children's literature fans (another one, The Giving Tree, was not named by anyone....you can also throw in Love You Forever, which also was not named).

UFO Diary

A Bad Case of Stripes

Minerva Louise

I love Minerva Louise. Preschoolers get a kick of out her.

The Biggest Boy


One of my favorite picture books that I discovered as an adult. A beautiful story about a bat!

Caps for Sale

A surefire hit for preschoolers. I read this to a Head Start class recently, and they loved it. It's great fun when the peddler gets even more furious with the monkeys.


A four year old girl came to the desk this morning. After finding a Thomas the Tank Engine book for her (the only one we had at the time!), she returned with another request: books about dogs and pigs. Specifically, two pig books and one dog book. "Have you read Olivia?" I asked. No, she had not. Well, if you get a request for a pig book and you find out that she hasn't read Olivia, you must rectify the situation immediately.

Go Away Big Green Monster

*applause* This is one of my favorites as well. I like to bring it out for Halloween for my toddler group. It's a break from Mouse's First Halloween and counting books.

The True Story of the Three Little Pigs

Scieszka strikes again! This is another "go-to" book for an elementary school visit.

Mary and the Mouse-The Mouse and Mary

Mouse Mess

One of my favorite mouse stories. Delicious.

The Yellow Balloon

Yesteday, I got a request for books without words. The child was holding a copy of The Silver Pony, which is probably the most sophisticated book without words that we have (the majority of stories without words are picture books). This is one of the more popular books without words. Quite a treat.

I Love Boats

This is one of my favorite bathtime picture books. Great illustrations.

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