Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Middle of the Week Roundup

(Rummages through book bag)

Oh, yes. Won't you try these on for size?

Tap Dancing on the Roof

Everyone's heard of haiku, but sijo? What's that? Newbery Medalist Linda Sue Park explains it all for you in Tap Dancing on the Roof. Sijo are Korean poems that have an unexpected twist at the end of the poem. If you're looking for creative writing ideas for your classroom/writing group/etc, pick this one up.

Patrol: An American Soldier in Vietnam

Walter Dean Myers undoubtedly drew upon his Vietnam War experience while writing this striking poem about a soldier in the midst of the Vietnam War.

The Way I Feel-Sometimes

Beatrice Schenk de Regniers artfully captures the many emotions and situations children face in everyday life. Delightful.

Don't Forget Your Etiquette

Etiquette rules turned upside down! Not for the prim and proper among us.

What is Goodbye?

And now for something completely different....What is Goodbye is a heartbreaking story (in poems) of a sister and brother dealing with the devastating loss of a beloved older brother. Nikki Grimes consulted with child psychologists and experts in child bereavement while writing this, so the emotions and actions of the family are true and realistic. The book ends on a tender and uplifting moment one year after the tragedy, when the family gathers for a new family portrait. A true treasure of a read.

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