Yes, it's not Friday yet. But I have to hit the ground running tomorrow morning, and I won't have time to post a review until later.
"Poetry Friday" is a regular feature on many children's literature blogs. The roundup is usually found on Big A, Little a or Chicken Spaghetti, two fantastic kidlit blogs you don't want to ignore. These blogs were among the first blogs I found when I started exploring the world of kidlit blogs. Participants feature a poem on their blog, write a review of a poetry collection, or offer a combination of the two.
I randomly selected Oh, No! Where Are My Pants? And Other Disaster Poems, edited by Lee Bennett Hopkins. What fate to stumble upon this collection! If you have a child who thinks poetry is boring, show him/her this book! These short and punchy poems deal with situations that are understandable to every kid-from friends being assigned to different classrooms, to missing a pivotal catch in a baseball game, to a best friend moving away. This book, naturally, has tons of kid appeal. The situations are dealt with in a humorous yet empathetic way. A truly fun read!
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