Tuesday, February 03, 2009

The Not-So-Random Shelf: Fiction

Louisa May Alcott and I have had a topsy turvy acquaintance ever since I first read Little Women n the seventh grade. While I never fully loved the book as much as other women have (if I'm in an "old-fashioned" mood, I'll read L.M. Montgomery or Noel Streatfeild), I've always enjoyed infrequent rereads of the book. Attempts to read other Alcott novels have not been as successful. While I enjoy old-fashioned reads just as much as anyone else (in small doses), Alcott’s other fiction has really made my skin crawl. Would that be the same with Little Men? I put the book to my test.

Unfortunately, no. While some parts were interesting, I never really warmed to any characters. Some children employed baby talk, which just drove
me crazy. Overly sentimental. On the other hand, the young girls were encouraged to play with the boys and be active, which made it more passable.

Anyone care to tell me what I'm missing? I know Alcott has tons of fans.

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