Friday, January 11, 2013

New Year, New Books

January can be a slow publishing month for children's/YA books, but I already have an eye on several books that stand out among the pack:

One Came Home

One Came Home has received sublime reviews: this frontier life children's novel has been hailed for its "superb comic relief" (Kirkus Reviews) and "fresh, laugh out loud funny" narration provided by thirteen year old Georgie. 

The Assault

It's all up to the teenage characters in The Assault to save the world from alien destruction.  Kirkus Reviews gave it a very good review; I'm betting that this will be a popular title.

My First Day

The king of nonfiction picture books returns with a look at the first day of life for several baby animals. Oh, HELLO. Cannot wait.


Oh, YAY. The sequel to Cinder is on its way. Unfortunately, it won't be released until early February, but Cinder was so popular that I had a feeling that its sequel would be highly anticipated.

This is just a sampling of the new books on our shelves or on order.  For a complete overview, subscribe to Wowbrary, which delivers the library's latest additions on order in an attractive and easy to read email newsletter.

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